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Common Errors

These types of errors can commonly occur across all commands and packages and range between [1, 10].

1: Config File Missing

Error Code: 1

You'll encounter this error when the file is missing from the zentra/models directory.

To fix it, run the zentra init command to create a new config file.

2: Config File Empty

Error Code: 2

You'll encounter this error when the file in the zentra/models directory is empty.

To fix it, run zentra init --reset-config to create a new one.

3: Zentra Directory Missing

Error Code: 3

You'll encounter this error when you have the Zentra package installed but haven't initialised the project yet.

To fix it, run the zentra init command.

4: Models Directory Missing

Error Code: 4

You'll encounter this error when the zentra/models directory is missing.

To fix it, run the zentra init command.

5: No Components Found

Error Code: 5

You'll encounter this error when the Zentra app cannot find any React components to create.

To fix it, open the config file at zentra/models/ and perform the following checks:

  1. zentra = Zentra() is initialised
  2. You've registered some components or pages using zentra.register()

If you are still experiencing issues, please reset the config file with zentra init --reset-config.

1000: Unknown Error

Error Code: 1000

You'll encounter this error when something happens that we haven't accounted for.

For these types of errors, please follow our Reporting Issues Guide.